A Message from Pastor Sherman J. Fort

March 1, 2022


Greetings in the name of God our Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit.  “I pray this communication finds each of you prospering and in good health, even as your souls prosper”.  
-3rd John Verse 2.

Family, please note the following exciting and most important news and notes:

First I thank and praise our God for each and every, single one of you.  Know that you are loved and thought of today by God and prayed for by The LORD Jesus Christ Himself!  You are also loved, thought of and prayed for by me as your Pastor today.

Second, I am so very excited to see so many of us returning to in person worship.  As the protocols connected to the pandemic are adjusted in accordance with the latest reports of the virus slowing in our country and around the world I thank and praise our God for His loving-kindness toward us.  Your personal presence in the house of God makes a huge difference.  For all of you who join us online both prior to and since the pandemic I am so very thankful for each of you as well.

Third, I want to thank God for the children, youth, dance and mime ministries and everyone who participated with special presentations during our celebrating God in Black HIStory Month!  To every member and guest- Thank you!

Fourth- Our church is in a state of transition.  Our goal is to live out our motto, mission statement and ministry theme with a refreshed commitment as Pastor and people.  Our motto: “To Learn God’s Word, Love God’s Word and Live God’s Word”; our mission statement: “To Know Christ And To Make Him Known” and our ministry theme:  “One Voice, One Vision, One Victory” help to communicate the over-arching aim of our church.

As we seek to grow deeper in faith, family and fellowship several goals come to mind.  They include but are not limited to the following:  1.  Connecting afresh with each family/household and person in our church with the goal of establishing relationship for the purpose of Kingdom growth.  2.  Identifying and determining who our current, volunteer ministry leaders and volunteers are.  3.  Connecting with every leader and volunteer for the purpose of training each one for work in the Kingdom.  4.  Hosting two significant and necessary member events.  First a thank you fellowship for those who work in ministry.  Next an information and education training day for those who serve as leaders.  5.  Returning to our Annual Church Conference Meeting.  Here we will share management, membership, ministry, missions and money reports as well as share in a time of vision casting going forward.  6.  We will continue our process of planning and programming ministry events for 2022.  Events and subjects will include:  our annual church revival, Resurrection/Easter Sunday celebration, Christian financial management, Women in ministry month, Men in ministry month, a church family retreat, reinstituting our annual church picnic, Thanks-GIVING and CHRISTmas celebrations and more.  

As we move forward with these projects our goal is to take full advantage of the resources currently used to manage our online presence and church office management tools as well to the fullest.  

As we update everything in our office from our phone lines to our church management software system we will keep you posted with regular updates.  In the end our goal is to simplify our systems and use every avenue to connect with the world in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.  

Family, please know that I am requesting, asking for your help and more specifically that you commit afresh to sharing the unique gifts and talents our God has given to grow His people and specifically the body of believers at TWC.

It all begins with prayer and proceeds forward with learning, loving and living out God’s Word together. We need your help and support.  

Our Annual Revival is scheduled for Sunday, April 10th through Tuesday, April 12th, 2022.  This year's PASSION WEEK REVIVAL will begin Sunday morning at our 8:00am and 10:30am worship services and begin in earnest Sunday evening through Tuesday eveing at 7:00pm.  Our guest evangelist, this year is Rev. Dr. Claybon Lea Jr., Senior Pastor of Mount Calvary Baptist Church, with two locations in Fairfield CA. and Suisun City, CA. Dr. Lea released his first gospel music project titled: “It’s About Time” in 2011.  

Pastor Sherman JoEl Fort

Post Script:  Family, as our nation begins afresh to emerge from the Covid-19 virus and our church continues to see the return of worshippers I am reminded that the church is an ongoing, unending work that is both right and righteous.  That said, I want to share with you in this post script that I both need and am in the process of planning some personal time away to give “heed to myself” and to the flock over which The Holy Spirit has made me overseer, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”  -(Acts 20:28 NKJV).  I will share more in the next few days.
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